“When true surrender happens, it feels very graceful. Like “you” are not “doing” anything, merely relaxing back into the origin of your being.”
Do you want to learn to meditate or to deepen your meditation practice?
Maybe you have landed here because you have heard that meditation can alleviate reduce, stress, fear or insecurity.
Maybe you have been trying to meditate for years but you don’t know how to develop a consistent meditation practice.
Maybe you are an experienced meditator who wishes to deepen their meditation practice with the support of an experienced and committed meditation teacher with 30+ years of dedicated mediation practice.
Whatever stage you are at with your meditation practice then Miranda Macpherson’s meditation teaching and support is now available to you wherever you are in the world.
On this site you will find various online meditation courses as well as downloadable guided meditations and practices by Miranda. There are also more meditation programs and meditation courses in development so make sure you join Miranda’s mailing list and follow her on social media to be notified when they are published.
To find out more about how Miranda can help you learn to meditate or deepen your meditation practice, click here to access all the meditation courses and downloadable meditation practices below.
Who is Miranda Macpherson?
Miranda Macpherson is an interfaith minister, spiritual teacher and author who shares a feminine approach to surrender and nondual realization based on the practice she calls Ego Relaxation. Her wisdom and palpable transmission invites others to become more graceful human beings through inquiry, meditation, devotion and psychological integration. Grounded in extensive study of the worlds’ wisdom traditions, and inspired by Sri Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles and the Diamond Approach, Miranda has been guiding others into direct experience of the sacred for thirty years. In her twenties she founded the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where she trained and ordained over 600 ministers and counselors. Today Miranda leads the Living Grace Global Sangha and the Living Grace Sonoma Sangha in northern California, leads retreats internationally, serves as core faculty at The Shift Network, and member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity.
Her books include The Way of Grace: the Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation (Sounds True), Boundless Love (Rider) and Meditations on Boundless Love (Sounds True). Miranda is also a kirtan musician with a mantra album The Heart of Being. Unapologetically feminine, joyful and down to earth in her way of being, Miranda is dedicated to loving people all the way back into the freedom and wholeness of our true nature.
to experience her transmission and teachings.