“There is no such thing as your realization separate from mine.”
– Miranda Macpherson
All events, retreats and programs happen within a tangible atmosphere of loving kindness, mutual respect and care for one another. While some teachings have regarded human relationships as an impediment to spiritual awakening, this feminine perspective on awakening poses a very different view. We can explicitly harness the field of our togetherness as a powerful support to deepen our practice.
Miranda invites us all to actively serve one another through deep listening, witnessing and being truly present. This protects our spiritual practice from subtly becoming a narcissistic endeavour, inviting us all to give and receive support on the journey home. The Living Grace community takes three forms:
Living Grace Global Sangha
This is a dedicated ongoing online community designed for those sincerely wishing to deepen their spiritual evolution through Miranda’s unfolding teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation.
This advanced Sangha has a limited membership of 80 people. The Full Membership option is designed for people who are ready to dive deeper with these teachings and actively participate in this community. To support a rich field together, it is necessary for everyone to have a sufficient foundation in this approach and to be psychologically grounded, capable of re-sourcing when activated.
Miranda offers several In-Person and Home Retreats each year which are open to any sincere students who wish to dive deeper into this work in community with others over the course of a few days.
Living Grace Facebook Community
You are invited to join a global online community of friends dedicated to studying and practicing Ego Relaxation. Receive ongoing inspiration from Miranda and give and receive support to live spiritual depth and bring more Grace into our world.
Follow Miranda on Facebook to receive regular video posts, and to find an inquiry partner where you live in the world.
Commitment to Inclusivity
Since her ordination into Interfaith Ministry in 1992, Miranda has been explicitly committed to inclusivity and non-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual identity, cultural and religious background, economic status or other such distinction. However, in these times of overdue collective reckoning on the shadow of systemic racism, we are aware that most spiritual and transformational communities still tend to be attended predominantly by white people.
Miranda and the Living Grace Sangha are dedicated to evolving beyond this paradigm. We are committed to facing and transforming any unconscious white privilege that may exist within us and in the field of our togetherness, so that anyone who sincerely wishes to participate in the spiritual opportunities offered here may feel comfortable, welcomed and respected.
Further, Miranda welcomes any feedback that would serve us evolving towards greater diversity.
Support Miranda’s Work
Miranda is dedicated to keeping retreats and ongoing programs as affordable as possible, charging only what is necessary to stay sustainable. She has always held a policy that no one sincere and ready for this work should be unable to partake through lack of funds. Therefore, this website contains many supportive resources offered for free, and others at low cost.
Further, Miranda allots a handful of partial scholarships for each virtual retreat that we produce in house (but is not able to do this when the retreat is hosted by a center).
Any donations we receive go directly towards making such scholarships available, and towards developing further teachings and resource materials accessible to all.
Prayer Requests
At every retreat or in person meeting, we have a prayer bowl, into which names and requests for spiritual support are placed. At the end of each meeting we dedicate the benefits of our practice to those who have requested it, as well was to the benefit of all beings. If you (or someone you love) would like to be included in this, please mail your Prayer List request, with a name, location and in one short sentence – the area where support is requested.