Thank you for your interest in the Living Grace Global Sangha.
The Sangha is currently fully subscribed. If you wish to be considered for Full Membership when places become available then it is essential that you subscribe as to the Living Grace Audio Program by clicking here. This will allow you to work through the new teachings which Miranda offers to our Sangha each month.
What is the Living Grace Global Sangha?
This is a dedicated ongoing community designed for those sincerely wishing to deepen their spiritual evolution through Miranda’s unfolding teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation.
Together, in a palpable atmosphere of unconditional love, we dive in and through our direct experience through holistic inquiry, devotion and meditation. Our focus is surrendering back into the luminous presence at our core, learning to be open and undefended with what IS, and becoming more graceful human beings in daily life. Building upon ancient wisdom streams, we embrace the important themes of our lives, and also the invitations of our times to evolve and radiate the benefit to our loved ones and a world in transition.
This is an advanced Sangha with limited membership. The Full Membership option is designed for people who are ready to dive deeper with these teachings and actively participate in this community. To support a rich field together, all members are expected to attend ‘live’ at least 9 of the 12 monthly meetings each year as well as participate actively with a small Practice Pod which also meets monthly.
This Sangha is NOT something that you dip in and out of. You are invited to see it as a long-term relationship which you can fully commit to.

What are the requirements for Full Membership?
The Full Membership option is currently fully subscribed. However, to be considered for Full Membership when places become available, you must …
- Be a subscriber of the Living Grace Audio Program.
- Have read and completed the practices in ‘The Way of Grace’.
- Have attended a 5-day retreat with Miranda in the last 24 months (in person or virtual) or be known to Miranda as a private client.
- Be able to commit to attend ‘live’ and actively participate in at least 9 monthly sessions out of the next 12 PLUS the 2 annual Sangha Daylongs PLUS meet with your Practice Pod at least once a month.
What's included in membership?
Membership includes…
- 1 monthly Sangha meeting (3.5 hours) including live interactive Satsang with Miranda (Zoom)
- 2 Sangha Daylongs with Miranda each year (Zoom)
- 10% discount for all virtual Home Retreats
- Access to all resources on the Sangha homepage
- Downloadable audio recording of each meeting
- Video recording of each meeting
- Allocation to Practice Pod and Sangha Mentor
- Private Facebook group
- Downloadable copies of all slides
- Deepening Recommendations from Miranda each month
- Optional Sangha Circle Meetings
$305 per 6 month semester or save $40 by paying $570 annually.
Only participants of the Living Grace Audio Program will be considered for Full Membership when places become available so it is essential that you subscribe here if you wish to be added to the waitlist.
What is the format for meetings?
The format is highly experiential and includes:
- Opening meditation, chanting & silence
- Wisdom teaching from Miranda
- Inquiry practice in dyads (mostly using repeating questions)
- Short break – movement – mantra
- Satsang (individuals welcomed to work with Miranda directly)
- Group reflections
- Closing chant and dedication.
We expect your’live’ participation in at least 9 out of 12 monthly sessions PLUS attendance for 2 Sangha Daylongs a year PLUS active participation with your Practice Pod. In addition, it is highly desirable that you attened at least one in-person or Home Retreat with Miranda each year Full details of her retreats can be found here.
When does the Sangha meet?
The Sangha gathers on Zoom one Friday each month for a 3.5 hour meeting (with breaks).
The meeting times are –
9am – 12.30pm Pacific
11am-2.30 pm Central
12 noon – 3.30 pm Eastern
5pm – 8.30 pm BST
6pm – 9.30 pm CET
Click here to check the time in your area.
There are 2 daylongs with Miranda each year which take place via Zoom and which are only open to Sangha members. Attendance is expected.
The format and focus of these daylongs is distinct from the flow of our regular meetings. Miranda gives nuanced further instruction in meditation, devotion and inquiry to help you deepen in your understanding and practice.
Practice Pods
In virtual Sangha formats especially, it makes an enormous positive difference to actively participate in some kind of Practice Pod with others in the Sangha. Forming relationship over time in the context of these teachings, you become mighty companions to one another.
You will be allocated a ‘Practice Pod’ with 2 or 3 other members and encouraged to connect virtually or in-person (if possible) in between monthly meetings. After each monthly group session, you will receive specific deepening recommendations from Miranda to help you gain the most out of each teaching and support one another applying this to the important themes of your life.
You will receive some options on how to structure your Practice Pod in a way that supports your unique needs and supports your Pod to thrive with a balance of structure and fluidity.
What do current members say about being part of the Living Grace Sangha?

How does membership work?
Each year is broken up into 2 semesters of 6 months each. New members will only be admitted to the Sangha at the start of each semester – January and June.
In order to create a sacred container for this Sangha you must commit for at least one semester but we do encourage you to think of this as a long-term relationship and commit fully to yourself and your Sangha. For that reason you will notice that there is a saving for annual membership.
To join you must pay your first semester fees when registering. Your membership subscription will then automatically recur via credit card each semester/year on 30 December and/or 30 June (depending on 6 or 12 month subscription) unless you cancel it. Full details of how to cancel are clearly laid out on the Members’ Homepage.
Should you decide to cancel during a semester, no refunds are offered.
All members must agree to the Living Grace Global Sangha Commitment before confirming their subscription.
You are expected to attend at least 1 virtual or in-person retreat with Miranda each year in order to deepen your practice.
What if I have to miss a meeting?
We expect that for most people, there may be a few sessions missed in the course of a year, which is why everything is recorded for you. When you need to miss a session, you are asked to listen/watch the recordings and do the inquiry exercise with your Practice Pod.
Sangha Protocol
In a spiritual community, the way we show up impacts the field of the whole Sangha, even when it is largely virtual. Therefore, we ask that you show up with the reverence and respect for yourself, this work and everyone else by being on time, refraining from multi-tasking while listening, and doing your best to sincerely engage the teachings and practice, asking for help when you need it.
All Sangha members are obliged to sign this agreement when they join.
If there is something big happening for you that might affect how you are in the field – like the death of a loved one, a serious medical diagnosis, some accident etc – we ask that you let us know. This way we can best support you in your process and lovingly track one another.
Commitment to Inclusivity
Since her ordination into Interfaith Ministry in 1992, Miranda has been explicitly committed to inclusivity and non-discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual identity, cultural and religious background, economic status or other such distinction. However, in these times of overdue collective reckoning on the shadow of systemic racism, we are aware that most spiritual and transformational communities still tend to be attended predominantly by white people.
Miranda and the Living Grace Sangha are dedicated to evolving beyond this paradigm. We are committed to facing and transforming any unconscious white privilege that may exist within us and in the field of our togetherness, so that anyone who sincerely wishes to participate in the spiritual opportunities offered here may feel comfortable, welcomed and respected. Further, Miranda welcomes any feedback that would serve us evolving towards greater diversity.