Relaxing out of Familiar Patterns
Most people dig the concept of ego relaxation but it usually takes years to really start to understand it and work with it in a real way because it’s the opposite of how we’ve been navigating life all this time.
Most people dig the concept of ego relaxation but it usually takes years to really start to understand it and work with it in a real way because it’s the opposite of how we’ve been navigating life all this time.
Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.
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Connect with a global community dedicated to practicing Ego Relaxation in daily life, and bringing more Grace into our world. Enjoy regular ongoing support from Miranda and find an inquiry partner wherever you live in the world.
Copyright © 2020 Miranda Macpherson
Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.
We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace
Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.
We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace