“May you come to abide in the living presence that you truly are and always were.”

– Miranda Macpherson

Author: Miranda Macpherson


Relaxing out of Familiar Patterns

Most people dig the concept of ego relaxation but it usually takes years to really start to understand it and work with it in a real way because it’s the opposite of how we’ve been navigating life all this time.

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The True Alternative to Collapse or Control

This new focus emerging in my meditation practice felt like the most loving response to my true need to find deeper stability inside during such a shaky time. It provided an expanded capacity to practice ego relaxation with all that arose, without having to revert to historically based strategies of control. Over time, this practice completely changed the way I experienced being here in this world. It brought greater resilience, deeper presence, and expanded capacity for surrender.
It can for you too.

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Finding Joy in Every Moment

The more we settle into the practice of ego relaxation, the more Grace fills our inner cup with the nectars we need and lifts us from depression, anxiety and fear.

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Space for Being - an inspirational video by spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson

Space for Being

One of the most important principles I have learned over the years is that for Grace, inspiration, and healing to arrive then two seemingly paradoxical elements must dance in balance together. I explain more in this short article and new video teaching.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace