On this page you will find all the information and resources which you need to fulfill your role as mentor. We ask you to take some time to familiarize yourself with the content of this page.
If you have any questions which are not answered here then please email Jenny Grainger – info@mirandamacpherson.com.
As of January 2025, we will meet in the same Zoom room as for all Global Sangha meetings…
Passcode: SANGHA
Click on the top left corner to see a dropdown menu for all the meetings.
The password is GSMentor
The PURPOSE of mentors:
- Expand the field of holding within the Sangha so that everyone feels cared for. This is communicated through your intention, the quality of your presence, and the way you track and encourage your mentees. VISUAL: if the whole community was sitting in a big circle, then you and the other mentors would be sitting behind that circle, effectively creating a further tier of support and holding through your Being. Effectively, you are walking alongside your mentees, doing the work as they are, yet as elder brothers/sisters (although best not to speak this to them as it often triggers reactions).
- Support Miranda and Jenny to curate a clear, potent and loving group field…where we keep the personal and meaningful connection to one another, offsetting the tendency for larger groups to become impersonal as things expand. BTW: those of you who use FB, it’s great when mentors post every now and again. Fine if you don’t do that.
- Help Miranda track what’s going on with individuals in an expanding field, preventing individuals falling through the tracks, feeding back to her what you see so that as a team, we can skillfully address issues before they become problematic (for individuals and for the group field).
- Model sincere engagement with the teaching, practice and deepening recommendations given every month, so you can authentically encourage your mentees to do the work and apply what we are learning to their life situation. This will make it much easier for you when you connect with them, to share something about your own experience without being patronizing, and ask specific questions that help them dig deeper and apply what we are working on to their life situation.
- Receive ongoing mentoring and supervision from Miranda at our monthly mentors’ meetings, to support your ongoing spiritual realization process and further development as a growing “teacher” of this way of Grace. When you offer service as mentor, Miranda is effectively then mentoring you in extending this work.
- Give and receive support to one another, growing and learning and sharing with your fellow mentors.
- Hold your mentees in your heart – perhaps putting their names/photos on your altar, and praying in your own way for their spiritual awakening, or just sending them loving support. Although they might never know you do this for them, they will feel it.
- Facilitate a small group at the end of each formal Sangha meeting (15-30 minutes, no more). Invite each person to share something about “Where are you landing from today’s teaching, practice and satsang?” The purpose is mostly to have a space where everyone’s voice can be heard, and where they can also have a more intimate group space within the larger field. Pay attention to how they seem to you, and be on the lookout for anyone that seems to be struggling, or reacting in an odd way.
- If you sense or know that one of your mentees is struggling, reach out to them in the mode of communication that is best for you. Perhaps in one of the end-of-session small group sessions, ask them which means of communication they respond to, so you know what’s most effective.
- If you notice anyone having more ongoing difficulties that don’t seem to be resolving after a couple of months, or if someone has recently experienced a significant loss or trauma, please let Miranda know. Jenny also (so that in her communications about practical matters she can be sensitive to the situation). Further, encourage mentees to email Miranda (via Jenny) if there are significant struggles or issues. Better still, invite them to schedule a private session with Miranda. A one-off session in situations like this usually helps a great deal.
- If you cannot make a mentors’ meeting, or one of the monthly big group meetings, please email Jenny in advance so we know. Then, please listen to the recording in your own time.
Click here to download 2025 Mentor Meeting Dates.
Click here to download the most up-to-date list of Mentor Groups.
Here are the contact details for your fellow mentors –
Elaine Riche – elaineriche@yahoo.com – +447828182818 – (Northern Ireland, UK)
Lee Wylie – lee_avanti@yahoo.com – (LANDLINE ONLY) +1 707 823-8220 (California, USA)
Eoin Scolard – eoin@eoinscolard.com – +33644383454 (France)
Maggie Kuhn – maggie.kuhn3@gmail.com – +1 414-736-2442 (Wisconsin, USA)
Mary Campbell – Mary@diviningbeauty.com – +1 413-329-7477 (Massachusetts, USA)
Michael Schiesser – michaelijs@gmail.com – +1 4159905629 (California, USA)
Nancy Long – nanyoga47@gmail.com – +1 217-4945469 (Illinois, USA)
Peter Devries – Ptrdvrs@icloud.com – +1 4153287336 (California, USA)
Susan Mashkes – smashkes@me.com – +52 33 1692 5514 (Mexico)
Toon Franken –toon@toonfranken.nl – +31 653218938 (Netherlands)