Welcome to our Home Retreat.
In preparation for our 4 days together, please read through these details that are designed to support you having the richest experience possible, while we harness this time as a spiritual opportunity for a deep dive in consciousness and nurture well-being on every level.
Miranda encourages you to view this as a proper retreat and to clear your schedule of anything non-essential. You may also want to tell your loved ones that you are on retreat so that they do not disturb this precious time.
We recommend that you read through ALL sections (‘lessons’) of this information course at least 2 weeks before your Home Retreat starts so you are prepared on all levels.
Your Retreat Manager is Jenny Grainger. Please feel free to contact her if you cannot find the answers to your questions about the Home Retreat here. Her email is info@mirandamacpherson.com. Please be aware that she lives in France and please take into account any time difference when communicating with her.