“May you come to abide in the living presence that you truly are and always were.”

Miranda Macpherson


“Miranda Macpherson is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion. I continue to learn from her depth and to be touched by the expansiveness of her love. She integrates a rigorous clear seeing mind with a boundless heart and the embodied wisdom that comes from decades of clinical application. Furthermore, her musical gifts and depth of presence make her teachings potent and deeply inspirational. She invites us to a new way of seeing and living, recognizing the non-dual nature of reality as well as working with people exactly where they are. Her transmission of Grace and Ego relaxation is powerful medicine for our individual and collective lives.”

Shauna L. Shapiro, PhD Professor,
Santa Clara University Author: The Art and Science of Mindfulness

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace