- 1 monthly Sangha meeting including live interactive Satsang with Miranda (3 1/2 hours)
- 2 annual Sangha Daylongs with Miranda
- Downloadable audio recording of each meeting
- Video recording of each meeting
- Optional Sangha Circle Meetings
- Monthly Deepening Recommendations’ from Miranda
- Allocation to a Practice Pod
- Allocation of a Sangha Mentor
- Private FB group
- Downloadable slides from each teaching
- Handouts for nuanced instruction on the primary practices
- 10% discount for all virtual Home Retreats
Your membership subscription will automatically recur via PayPal on 19 June and/or 19 December (depending on 6 or 12 month subscription) unless you cancel it. Full details of how to do so are clearly laid out on the Members’ Homepage.
Should you decide to cancel during a semester, no refunds are offered.
All members must agree to the Living Grace Global Sangha Agreement before confirming their subscription.