What it is Grace and how can I be a more graceful person?
I am regularly asked “What is Grace?”
Perhaps you hunger to finally end the struggle of living from the consciousness of fear and separation. Perhaps you yearn for a saner, wiser, more spiritually elegant way to move through our world that is so painfully lacking in Grace. You might have tasted luminous moments of freedom. Yet often the distance between what you have glimpsed and how you actually live can seem like an unbridgeable chasm. Perhaps you are weary of the dizzying pace of a culture that drives us ever further from our true nature. If you are disillusioned by the spiritual struggle to triumph over your ego, I have good news for you. There is another way: a way of Grace.
Grace is direct experience of Divine Presence coming alive within your direct experience. It re-connects you to the source of real love, joy, clarity and peace. Grace resolves the sense of separation by returning you to the felt experience of what you are always in and part of. This brings you back into a state of fluidity, wholeness and natural freedom.
Grace helps you settle and turn more substantially within. This helps you inquire into the roots of your ego obstacles, address your fears, connect with innate wisdom and find peace independent of outer circumstances. You grow kinder, more patient and forgiving with your own humanity and that of others. It helps you engage spiritual practices that transform your suffering into wisdom. Grace helps you greet challenges we face both personally and collectively and be grown into a more mature human being.
Grace also represents the love and support we need to walk our spiritual path with more depth and substance.
This website is a hand of spiritual friendship to help you close the gap and come to abide in the living presence that you are and always were. At home within, you can find a radiant new way of being, extending love, clarity, and peace deeper into our troubled world.
I invite you to explore the site for yourself but I encourage you to click here to read more about my approach and find out how it can support you in living with more ease and grace. I also encourage you to explore The Sanctuary where you will find a wide range of FREE audio meditations and teachings as well as many other resources designed to support your softening and opening to Grace. You may even decide to read or listen to my book ‘The Way of Grace‘ or to join me at one of my in-person or virtual events which you can find out about here.
We are constantly adding new free resources here so please ensure that you register for my mailing list to be notified when they are available for you. You will also find many free resources on my Facebook page, YouTube Channel and on Instagram.
Who is Miranda Macpherson?
Miranda Macpherson is an interfaith minister, spiritual teacher and author who shares a feminine approach to surrender and nondual realization based on the practice she calls Ego Relaxation. Her wisdom and palpable transmission invites others to become more graceful human beings through inquiry, meditation, devotion and psychological integration. Grounded in extensive study of the worlds’ wisdom traditions, and inspired by Sri Ramana Maharshi, A Course in Miracles and the Diamond Approach, Miranda has been guiding others into direct experience of the sacred for thirty years. In her twenties she founded the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation in London, where she trained and ordained over 600 ministers and counselors. Today Miranda leads the Living Grace Global Sangha and the Living Grace Sonoma Sangha in northern California, leads retreats internationally, serves as core faculty at The Shift Network, and member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity.
Her books include The Way of Grace: the Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation (Sounds True), Boundless Love (Rider) and Meditations on Boundless Love (Sounds True). Miranda is also a kirtan musician with a mantra album The Heart of Being. Unapologetically feminine, joyful and down to earth in her way of being, Miranda is dedicated to loving people all the way back into the freedom and wholeness of our true nature.
to experience her transmission and teachings.