The World Health Organization cites depression as one of the greatest health crises in the Western world, despite the plethora of anti-depressants and sophisticated therapeutic modalities at our disposal. Our media preaches a false gospel that joy is an object we can buy with more money and better things; that we earn it through becoming what we hope will buy the approval, love or affirmation from others, and that we can achieve it through increasing our status. So often we are seeking for joy or happiness in the external world thinking that if we or the external circumstances of our life were different, then we will be satisfied. However, that is a real trap that keeps us endlessly seeking.
The more we settle into the practice of ego relaxation, the more Grace fills our inner cup with the nectars we need because Grace IS boundless love, infinite generosity, and primordial bliss.
In this short video I explore how we can find joy in every moment and you can also receive further support for entering into ananda in chapter 8 of ‘The Way of Grace‘.
In these times of continued change and transformation across the world, we need support to continue relaxing out of ego fears and grow our capacity to stay grounded and responsive in the face of all that life brings so that we may rise into the most graceful human beings we can be and that our world needs us to be. I am delighted to announce a low-cost, highly accessible offering to support you in this possibility, wherever you live in the world – Audio Only Membership. This option provides you with a downloadable audio recording of my new teaching each month, plus the accompanying mantra, meditation and inquiry questions. We are keeping costs as low as possible, to ensure that even those on a restricted budget can benefit. The monthly cost is only $9.99, or you can subscribe for a full year for only $99. Click here for full info and to subscribe. I hope that you will take this opportunity to benefit from these brand new teachings and transmissions each month so that together we can experience more joy and become more graceful human beings. |
With love to you and peace to our world,

If you would like to support these teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation moving deeper and further into the world, you are welcome to make a contribution towards our general operation. Your financial generosity makes it possible for Miranda to offer these teachings as widely as possible, which is our goal. All donations go directly towards producing further audio and video teaching resources, and offering partial scholarships to those sincerely wanting to participate in retreats (organized by us) who otherwise would be unable to partake. Click here to donate.