From Miranda’s talk at the Living Grace Global Sangha in September 2021 – click here to subscribe for Audio Membership and receive future downloadable teachings each month.
Take a moment and consider the last time you felt really joyful, really happy. Perhaps there’s something that you can recollect that happened in the last week which made you smile or laugh or feel joyful or delighted? Now stop to inquire “What is the source of that, really?” You can see that perhaps outer things triggered it – like a dog doing something funny, or something sweet that your grandchild said, or some great joke or just seeing someone you love, and their being. If you really feel into the effect of that moment, you will notice that joy and happiness actually emerge out of your heart. The location of that joy is your own heart.
Further, if you consider someone that you really love then you let yourself feel into your love for them and, at the same time, ask yourself, “What is the source of my love?” Notice the impact of that question. You might feel a sense of backing deeper in.
Your experience of joy or love is obviously beautiful, meaningful, and rich and we all want that but, when we really contemplate any of our essential qualities, we notice that most of them emerge out of the heart. You could continue an inquiry like this by exploring, for example, a moment where you felt courageous. Where does that courage actually emerge from? It emerges from the deep Heart too. So does strength – that’s why we use the term in our culture ‘lionheart. It’s not an egoic, defensive kind of strength – it’s a strength and courage that comes from our heart.
The most important qualities of our deepest humanity (which are really needed in this world and are very practical and potent) pour through an human heart. So when we say ‘heart’, we’re talking about the source of your love, of your caring, of what really matters. We’re referring to your essence minus your personality and its defenses. We’re talking about the Heart of you minus the constraints and the conditioning.
Click here to listen to more from this talk on ‘Accessing the Heart of Being’ –
This is an extract from the teaching which I gave to our Living Grace Global Sangha in September 2021. If you would like to receive the full downloadable audio recording of this plus my new teaching each month (including mantra, meditation and inquiry questions) then why not subscribe for Audio Only Membership ? The monthly cost of this is only $9.99 to ensure that even those of you on restricted budgets can benefit from brand new teachings and inquiry practices every month. You can save even more by subscribing for a full year for only $99. Click here for full info and to subscribe at any time.
With love to you and peace to our world,

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