In our increasingly technologically driven world, we need spiritual practice more than ever to help us stay centered inside, in touch with our deepest humanity, and respond, rather than react.
For most people, this will mean carving our time for some formal practices, or even simple rituals that bring us back to resting in the still waters within. Inquiry into our ego reactions and their driving forces helps to dissolve obstacles, access the clarity we need and help us relate compassionately to ourselves and others.
This is one of the primary reasons that taking regular retreats, or being part of an ongoing sangha is extremely beneficial. Unwinding of our ego obstacles happens more easily within a concentrated container and the support of others. So I encourage people to plan regular retreats wherever possible. It is encouraged to look honestly at how you engage IT and social media – and the effect this has on your quality of being.
Learning to be a more graceful human being as we walk through this increasingly intense and uncertain world is advanced spiritual practice. Taking regular “ego relaxation breaks” amidst the day is very important. Whenever you recognize you are reverting to fear and control to get things done, it is helpful to stop for a few minutes and remember that your historically based self is not the one who can figure out all of this complexity.
The grace that causes the mountains, oceans and all creatures is infinite intelligence itself. Relaxing back into this cause of our being, helps us let go of unnecessary struggle, and reconnect with the clarity and wisdom that is always available.
Then, we can prayerfully ask and listen, and be moved into wise and elegant action. It sounds mystical, but is powerfully practical. This serves us to flow with the invitations our life brings – whether they be presenting as an invitation to let go, or grow in some new way.
Find out more in The Way of Grace.
With love to you and peace to our world,

If you would like to support these teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation moving deeper and further into the world, you are welcome to make a contribution towards our general operation. Your financial generosity makes it possible for Miranda to offer these teachings as widely as possible, which is our goal. All donations go directly towards producing further audio and video teaching resources, and offering partial scholarships to those sincerely wanting to participate in retreats (organized by us) who otherwise would be unable to partake. Click here to donate.