From Miranda’s talk at the Living Grace Global Sangha in November 2021 – click here to subscribe for Audio Membership and receive future downloadable teachings each month.
The name of our Sangha is the Living Grace Global Sangha. To live Grace in every moment and in every aspect of our life is an enormous task and one which we need a lot of help with. To truly live Grace requires a lot of help from three primary aspects –
We need to be able to ask for and receive help from a trustworthy map teachings and practices which I hope that you’re finding through my offerings. I hope that you’re coming to trust these teachings and practices that are both grounded in ancient truths that have been shimmering at the core of many great traditions, and that are also alive with wisdom which is contemporary and relevant for where we are now on our planet. During these challenging and fast-moving times, we do need a teaching, a map and practices that actually help us to address the themes and divine invitations of our life.
We also need help from others on the path – from Sangha friends and community as well as from a teacher that we find reliable and trustworthy.
We also need to ask and receive help from divine forces, from subtle dimensions of Grace that are always here to help guide us and draws towards what we truly need to melt our resistance and open the gates to deeper and more refined states of consciousness.

Click here to listen to more from this talk on ‘Asking for and Receiving Divine Help ‘ –
This is an extract from the teaching which I gave to our Living Grace Global Sangha in November 2021. If you would like to receive the full downloadable audio recording of this plus my new teaching each month (including mantra, meditation and inquiry questions) then why not subscribe for Audio Only Membership ? The monthly cost of this is only $9.99 to ensure that even those of you on restricted budgets can benefit from brand new teachings and inquiry practices every month. You can save even more by subscribing for a full year for only $99. Click here for full info and to subscribe at any time.
With love to you and peace to our world,

If you would like to support these teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation moving deeper and further into the world, you are welcome to make a contribution towards our general operation. Your financial generosity makes it possible for Miranda to offer these teachings as widely as possible, which is our goal. All donations go directly towards producing further audio and video teaching resources, and offering partial scholarships to those sincerely wanting to participate in retreats (organized by us) who otherwise would be unable to partake. Click here to donate.