What is Grace?

Grace is way more than a beautiful state that fills your heart with gratitude. Rumi described it when he said, “Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us.

Grace is the living presence that brings online the qualities of your true nature, such as love, peace, joy, strength, clarity, inherent intelligence, and so much more. These divine qualities are sewn into the very fabric of your being, so they are always present. However, they are covered by many adaptive layers that must be addressed if you are to gain access.

Grace brings forth precisely what you need to heal, evolve, and thrive so that your noble qualities can flow deeper into our world.

Grace also brings blessings from celestial realms, whether or not you have “faith” in anything particular.

Grace has four primary dimensions, or ways that it comes alive.

Grace is simultaneously –

  • the unchanging ground of your being;
  • the blessings that refine, uplift, and nourish you;
  • the transforming power that lifts your veils;
  • a more easeful, spiritually elegant way of being in this world from a consciousness way beyond it.

But every dimension of Grace needs space. It needs you to empty out your fixed positions and presumptions, sometimes even your cherished spiritual ones.

Would you be willing to hold on to nothing? 

Watch this short video to find out more about the Four Dimensions of Grace…


Even though the world around us at this time is so intense and chaotic, if you turn more substantially within there is a parallel universe. This realm of Grace gives you access to the clarity, strength, peace and joy that makes it possible for you to ride these wild waves with equanimity and wisdom and be of service to your family, friends and loved ones.

Click on the 3 dots to the right of the playbar below to download a 12 minute meditation practice called SHELTERING IN GRACE.


I encourage you to read or listen to the audiobook of THE WAY OF GRACE which you can find here and to start working with the CULTIVATING GRACE CARD DECK. Both include substantial teachings and many practices to support you on this journey.  I also hope that my latest mantra album – STREAMS OF GRACE: Mantra Medicine for Yoga & Inner Peace – will become part of your daily practice and day-to-day life.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace