Deepening your Meditation Practice

I can easily recognize a person who has an active meditation practice. Their presence radiates a natural contentment and joy. Their kindness and compassion is closer to the surface. They live more focused, often more creative lives, and are better able to keep equanimity under pressure, responding wisely to everyday challenges. If you want to live a graceful life, not just to have occasional moments of Grace, then some kind of dedicated practice wants to become your cherished friend.

Click here to read my article about how to seduce yourself into spiritual practice and enjoy the video on this theme below… 


IGNITE YOUR MEDITATION PRACTICE a free online meditation program with Miranda Macpherson

These uncertain times can feel very de-stabilizing. More than ever before, we need to ground ourselves in the radiance at our core, where real love, peace, strength and joy is always shining. This gives us the capacity to respond with Grace rather than contract in fear.

Taking up (or reigniting) a daily meditation practice can make this possible because regular meditation supports you to stay calm amidst the chaos and let your noble qualities shine forth.

You might have had good intentions to meditate, but don’t actually get to it. Or, you may have tried, but struggled to gain traction in your practice. Or perhaps you have fallen off the horse, and need support breaking bad habits and getting back in the saddle.  Whatever your situation, this free program is for you.

This free program consists of 5 x 30 minute meditation practice sessions guided by me which were broadcast live via Zoom in February 2020.  You receive access to both the video recordings and the downloadable audio version of the recordings to enjoy whenever you want.  Some of the video quality is below standard which is why this is free.

Whilst the free program above is a wonderful starting point, if you are serious about deepening your meditation practice, I invite you to join me as I introduce you to my 6 foundational practices, give you detailed background to them and how they are will benefit you then lead you in your meditation practice.

These practices are –

Each module includes:

  • Video recording of each meditation (20 – 30 mins each) – where I guide you into the practice.
  • Video teaching on each practice (30-40 mins each) – that offers nuanced instructions for each meditation, trouble-shooting common issues, and how to gain the most from each practice.
  • Audio ‘on the spot’ 5-7 minute version of each practice – to apply throughout the day, and re-set when stressed, overwhelmed, getting reactive.
  • Written handout on each practice.
  • Plus additional resources.

You can purchase the full program for $99 below or click on each of the individual practices listed above and purchase them for $19.99 each.


There are also many other downloadable meditation practices available for you on my website here and many of them are included in my Meditations Collection here.

Other Foundational Resources to get you started

I encourage you to read or listen to the audiobook of THE WAY OF GRACE which you can find here and to start working with the CULTIVATING GRACE CARD DECK. Both include substantial teachings and many practices to support you on this journey. 

And, if you love singing and mantra, then I invite you to download the Special Edition of my album STREAMS OF GRACE: Mantra Medicine for Yoga & Inner Peace to help you access non-conceptual realms of grace.

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Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

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Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free gift:

Mp3 recording of “May all Beings Dwell in the Heart,” a track from Miranda’s “Heart of Being” mantra CD.

We respect your privacy as sacred, and never share your email with anyone else. By joining our newsletter you consent to receiving content rich newsletters and updates from Miranda about upcoming events that support you to live the Way of Grace