From Miranda’s Summer 2021 Newsletter – click here to subscribe and receive future newsletters direct to your inbox
One of the most important principles I have learned over the years is that for Grace, inspiration, and healing to arrive then two seemingly paradoxical elements must dance in balance together. We must:
Be sincere in our efforts, show up for spiritual practice – meditation, prayer, inquiry, staying present…facing what is with compassion & curiosity. AND also…
Allow space. Take our foot off the gas pedal, relax our trying, even our spiritual trying to get to some higher state of consciousness. Just BE.
I share more about what this really involves in a new video teaching called SPACE FOR BEING and you can watch it by clicking on the video below. In this 20 minute video, I offer some practical suggestions about how you can slow down this summer (or whatever season you are in) and become more receptive to the Grace that is always present. I hope that you find the video to be supportive and that you will share it with friends and family. Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you are notified of new free video teachings like this as they are posted.
In the coming weeks I will be taking a good dose of my own medicine after very focused time of concentration working hard on my new Grace deck of oracle cards, a beautiful new mantra album, plus an intense time of teachings and production – all of which you will learn more about in the fall. I am ready to immerse in Mother Nature and relish the simple gifts of life. This gives us an inner platform to let our everyday actions flow from Grace rather than ego effort.
To support you making space and receiving the rejuvenation you need, you might decide to gift yourself Audio Only Membership of our new Living Grace Global Sangha which starts next Friday 25 June. The full membership option was fully subscribed within days of us launching it but this Audio Only Membership option will provide you with a downloadable audio recording of my new teaching each month plus mantra, meditation and inquiry questions. The monthly cost of this is only $9.99 to ensure that even those of you on restricted budgets can benefit from brand new teachings and inquiry practices every month. You can save even more by subscribing for a full year for only $99. Click here for full info and to subscribe at any time.
I also highly recommend downloading my new 45 minute CULTIVATING COMPASSION practice which is exceptionally nourishing and uplifting with the beautiful music composed by the Bombay Dub Orchestra. You may also simply decide to focus on one of the foundational meditation practices (including teaching) which you can find here or embark on my Deepening your Meditation Practice program.
You can also connect with me over the summer via a couple of virtual courses and webinars which I am teaching. Full info below or here. I am especially excited about delivering a 4 part experiential webinar called the 4 Dimensions of Grace via the Sofia Institute. Full details below or here.
Finally, our next Home Retreat (29 September – 3 October) is now 70% subscribed so I highly recommend booking now to avoid disappointment.
You can find full information about all these events by clicking here.
I hope some of these offerings support you to receive everything you need thus summer and beyond.
With love to you and peace to our world,

If you would like to support these teachings on Grace and Ego Relaxation moving deeper and further into the world, you are welcome to make a contribution towards our general operation. Your financial generosity makes it possible for Miranda to offer these teachings as widely as possible, which is our goal. All donations go directly towards producing further audio and video teaching resources, and offering partial scholarships to those sincerely wanting to participate in retreats (organized by us) who otherwise would be unable to partake. Click here to donate.